What is Emotional Blackmail?
3 Tips to Resolving a Fight with Your Partner

Solid and open communication is the key to any kind of successful relationship. The difficult thing about communication is that there are many different layers of being able to do it successfully. When we are having a fight with someone close to us, emotions can end up running high. We can feel vulnerable it can be really hard to think clearly. This can make clear communication even more challenging. So how do we handle an intense fight with a romantic partner? How do we keep those lines of communications open?
3 Keys to any Relationship

John Lennon said that all you need is love. Love can make any relationship work. Many people have taken this idea to heart and done crazy things in the name of love. It doesn't always work well. How do we know if it's real love? We can end up in bad or abusive situations if this is the principle we are following. Trent Reznor acknowledges that sometimes love is not enough. So if love is not the most important building block of a relationship then what is?