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Condoms are a truly amazing and wonderful invention. They serve to protect us from a variety of unwanted outcomes during sex from pregnancy to STI transfer. There are types of different condoms and other barriers that we can use as well but the Condoms are a truly amazing and wonderful invention. They serve to protect us from a variety of unwanted outcomes during sex from pregnancy to STI transfer. There are types of different condoms and other barriers that we can use as well but the most commonly known and used are penile condoms. These are often referred to as male condoms.
Some people are against using condoms for a variety of reasons but penile condoms are very strong and stretchy. One condom can protect you during sexual activity. To demonstrate the strength and stretch of condoms, the Internet has endless videos of people filling condoms full of water to show how much they can expand and hold.
Condoms are made for safer sex. The real challenge is to use condoms for their intended use. This may not seem much like a challenge but many people admit to not using condoms when they should. Some people also feel awkward and uncomfortable about insisting condoms be used with their partners. Others insist that they don’t like them and simply refuse. Using condoms can be an important piece to protecting your health and reducing unwanted pregnancies.
Across the world, rates of STIs have continued to climb. Just last year the WHO found over 1 million pregnant women that tested positive for syphilis. Just looking at the rates in the US, in 2016 the CDC had some disturbing numbers reported to them. These included 27,814 cases of syphilis, 468,514 cases of gonorrhea, and 1,598,354 cases of chlamydia. In BC alone, in 2014, we had some shockingly high rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. These rates have continued to rise steadily year to year.
So all this sounds really bad but let’s just think about this for a second… these numbers are based on how many people have actually gotten tested. So we don’t actually have a full picture of what the full rates actually look like… According to the last US census, only about 12% of the population got tested. Estimated cost of STIs in the US is roughly 16 billion dollars annually. CDC estimates undiagnosed STIs causes roughly 24,000 women to become infertile each year. HPV is responsible for approximately 31,500 cases of cancer every year.
STIs can have some serious impacts like causing infertility, cancer, and death. All of these terrible things can be stopped by a magical latex, or latex-free, barrier. We need to reduce the embarrassment, stigma, awkwardness, discomfort, and negative feelings people have about condoms! Join the fight to raise awareness!
Accept the challenge and post a selfie of you holding your favorite condom brand with #REALcondomchallenge!
If you refuse the real condom challenge, you need to contribute to ending the tyranny of sexually transmitted infections by donating! The Real Condom challenge seeks to raise awareness and money for four important organizations that fight for our sexual freedoms.
We are hoping to raise at least $8,000 and divide it evenly between the 4 organizations. Your donations make a difference to break through research that can change lives. If you’re not going to stop the spread of sexually transmitted infections through safer sex practices, donate to the research that will bring an end to those infections!
By coming together we can make a real difference in the fight for sexual health. Be a part of the solution and get posted your selfies! It’s all about raising awareness and funds for sexual health and cancer research. Together, we can be the difference! Head on over and share the fundraising campaign with all your friends today. Who will you issue the challenge to?
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