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Doug Ford is already sparking some controversy since being elected into office by vowing the repeal Ontario’s sex education program from schools. He says he intends to replace the Liberals’ updates to the curriculum. There have been no official reasons given as to what’s wrong with the currently more comprehensive program. Ford only says that the new curriculum didn’t consult parents enough and is not in line with their best interests.
Prior to the new curriculum being introduced, there was a fairly substantial group of parents consulted. The new curriculum also received input from mental health organizations, parent groups, police, as well as child development professionals.
So with this new system in place, what is it actually teaching kids in Ontario? The students are introduced to new concepts gradually and throughout the grades. The way it’s presented gives students the chance to interact with the information on an age-appropriate level and also reduces the pressure of having the sex ed program take place all at once in one class.
Here is a break down of how the program is being taught at the different age levels
The current program is fairly comprehensive. It doesn’t cover everything but it covers a lot of aspects that young people need for the modern world.
There has been no official conversation on what Doug Ford has in mind in replacing the current system with. There is a lot of concern that it will be simply replaced with the older and less comprehensive education program.
The problem with this program is that it so outdated. Much of the information is out of date or no longer relevant for young people today. It is a program put in place when many people who are currently well into their adulthood were in grade school. The old programs rely heavily on scare tactics to push abstinence and do little to prepare young people for reaching their sexual maturity.
Comprehensive sex ed is an important thing to be teaching our young people. When we arm young people with the proper knowledge, we are able to help them avoid harm. They can make informed choices and take proper care of their sexual health.
Research has shown that this method is more successful than the scare tactics employed by older theories of sex education. When sex education programs rely on scare tactics, they generally fail to teach young people adequately on how to engage in safer sex. This is often because of the fear that teaching young people about safer sex will result in them becoming more sexually active at a younger age. There is no research that actually supports that fear.
When young people are taught appropriately about the risks, encouraged to ask questions, and given the proper information about sex education, relationships, consent, gender, and everything else we are empowering them to make the right choices. Teens who have this information usually tend to delay sexual activity of their own choosing. It reduces the mentality of “that won’t happen to me”. It also helps people to be more sex-positive.
Another important piece of comprehensive sex education is it is often the only time a number of people are taught about sex ed. As people get older, they may become embarrassed to ask or learn or may feel that they have received all the necessary information they need to know. They don’t take the time to learn more. If we have provided people with gaps in sex ed when they are young, we are not preparing them to be healthy and functional sexual adults.
Doug Ford is insisting that parents were not consulted on the new comprehensive sex education program. This is actually a false statement since parents, as well as a number of other groups, put feedback into the program. We need to stand up for our future generations and ensure that they are receiving the best education and information that is relevant and up to date. Share this article and add your voice to the call for comprehensive sex education!
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