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Consent is an important topic to learn about and there is always more to learn. We continue to define what consent means to us and each other. There are also a lot of different situations that have never really been modeled for people. The purpose of the Consent Made Simple series is to provide examples of positive examples of consent being properly observed from a variety of different situations and viewpoints. These scenarios apply to any person of any gender.
In this episode, we find a young couple slow dancing at a club or some other kind of dance. This is not a couple who have an established relationship but new to each other and maybe just beginning to explore their sexual interest in each other. One person asks if it’s ok to kiss the other person.
Some people would see this as a simple thing and therefore an unnecessary step. It is often believed to just take action and let the heat of the moment guide you. The thing about that is that a lot of people are just terrible at judging correctly the desires of others. We can get so caught up in our own desires, nerves, emotions, and uncertainties that we can miss vital unspoken clues as to how a person is actually feeling.
There are also a lot of different ways that people can communicate that are open to interpretation. Someone may hesitate because they are shy but hesitation can also be caused by trying to gracefully exit the situation. A person could be smiling as an invitation or as a way to soften the blow of a rejection. There is no way to know what is happening inside of someone else’s head. The best way is to simply ask. Anyone who is actually interested and an ethical person will not be put off by a respectful consent question. It demonstrates consideration and respect. Those are very solid building blocks to any relationship.
The discussion around consent is continuing to evolve and change. Society, in general, is developing a stronger understanding and acceptance of the importance of consent but there are still many people that feel lost. Even those who feel like they know everything they need to should keep their mind open to learning more about consent. It’s also really important that we all have a really solid foundation of the basic principles of consent and how they should be applied. Our Consent Crash Course is available to anyone wishes to solidify their foundational knowledge on this important topic.
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