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“Where do babies come from?” is a question that gives some parents the total shakes. Talking to your kids about sex can be a pretty scary thought. It’s not surprising. Many people are easily embarrassed talking about sex and there aren’t a lot of positive models out there. If we didn’t have good and open talks with our parents, it’s easy to feel lost when trying to have these conversations with our own kids. Our series, The Birds and Bees Made Easy, seeks to help provide some guidance in the form of providing some different responses, one question at a time.
As with many other questions about sex, there are a lot of different ways that this question can be answered. There is often the temptation to blunt the truth or give kids euphemisms but this can actually lead them astray later on in life. Your kids are relying on you to answer questions honestly and give them the correct information. Whatever answer you give them will shape their perceptions as they grow older and whether or not they come to you for more information at another time.
In this episode, we took the approach of answering it from the physical mechanics of it. You can discuss reproduction and the growth of a fetus into a baby without even mentioning any of the physical acts of sex unless they ask. Focusing on the mechanics related to what they actually ask instead of what you think they are asking. You can always go more into detail if they seem interested or have any follow up questions. Most of the time, kids are only looking for simple answers. It’s a good idea to start simply and build as far as their interest goes. If they start to seem disinterested, you can always break off and ask them if you’ve answered their question.
Don’t be afraid to ask them questions about what they think. How they answer those questions is going to tell you a lot about what kinds of information they are really looking for. It also helps establish a two-way dialogue that will help keep the conversation light and easy and set up future conversations for success.
Building strong relationships with your kids is like working on any other relationship. Having a strong foundation of good communication and trust is incredibly important. How we continue to engage our kids in conversations and guide them in life will make a big difference in how often they choose to come to us with their troubles and questions. The more you can keep the lines of honest communication open from when they are young, the more they are likely to seek you out when they need help the most.
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