How to Take Rejection… the RIGHT Way!

We all want to be considered attractive and awesome. It's common to want people to look at you in a good light and this desire is amplified for the people that we admire. We want the attraction we feel to a person be returned. Sadly, this isn't always the case. Rejection can feel pretty crummy! There are things we can do to help us remove the sting of rejection but there are also things we can do to try to take it more gracefully...
How to Take the Sting Out of Rejection
Relationship Green Flags: How to Tell If Your Partner is a Keeper

Ever heard of relationship green flags? Most of us have heard about the red flags to watch out for. These are the telltale signs that a relationship may be toxic or abusive. It's really important to know and look out for these warning signs but it's also good to know what to look for that helps foster healthy relationships. When we invest so much time looking over our shoulder for bad signs, we may accidentally miss some of the truly awesome things that build rewarding and healthy relationships...
How to Reduce the Risks of Sending Nudes

If you're thinking about sending any nude videos or photos, there are a few things you need to consider. If you decide that you want to send the intimate media but are still concerned, you may want to try to reduce the risks. There is no foolproof way to eliminate the risks of sending intimate photos or videos. As with all kinds of sexual activity, there is always going to be a degree of risk. You need to decide how much risk you're comfortable with and ideally, decide this before the situation arises. If you do choose to send nudes, there are a few ways you can try to reduce any negative outcomes aside from ensuring all participants are of legal age.
Should You Send Nudes?

At one point or another every woman has received one of these messages. Sometimes they're polite, sometimes they're explicit. They come sometimes out of the blue and sometimes from people we know well. Regardless when, where, how, or from who we get them, the decision remains as what to do about it. Sending a sexy video or photos can be really fun and empowering but it doesn't come without risks. Especially in today's day and age, once something is recorded and sent to someone else, you lose a lot of control over what can happen to that video or photo. There is nothing wrong with exploring your sexuality and choosing to take some risks but it's important that you are aware of the possible outcomes.
What is Emotional Blackmail?
Does A Soulmate Make A Difference?

Do soulmates exist? And if they do, does it make a difference if you are with yours or not? Relationships can be tricky to navigate and many people feel like they fail at them. Finding a lasting and fulfilling relationship can be tough. People also have a lot of different ideas about what a good relationship looks like. Some people feel that it's effortless with the right person while others hold those good relationships take work and effort over time to keep them alive. So which is the truth? If you find your perfect soulmate, does that make relationships effortless?
Should You Take Back a Cheater?

Should you ever take back a cheater? It can be really hard when someone betrays your trust, especially someone who you are particularly close to. Depending on the particulars of the situation, it may not be something the relationship can come back from. In the relationship game, sometimes there are no easy answers or clear decisions. You need to make the choices that are best for you and while others may pitch in ideas for your consideration, ultimately the choice is yours. There are several important things you should consider if you are debating if you should take this person back or make a clean break.
3 Tips to Resolving a Fight with Your Partner

Solid and open communication is the key to any kind of successful relationship. The difficult thing about communication is that there are many different layers of being able to do it successfully. When we are having a fight with someone close to us, emotions can end up running high. We can feel vulnerable it can be really hard to think clearly. This can make clear communication even more challenging. So how do we handle an intense fight with a romantic partner? How do we keep those lines of communications open?