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Did you know that we have a rewards program? You can earn credits that can be applied to real purchases in our online store. We strongly believe in giving back to the world and to our community. Our rewards program is meant to cost you nothing at all. It is our gift to you for being interested in expanding your knowledge of sex education, consent, relationships, and all those topics we think are extremely important. The more you learn, the more you are rewarded.
Well.. earning credits is pretty simple. All you need to do is sign up for a free account. You will be rewarded with 10 credits just for creating your account. Once you have your free account, just make sure you’re logged in when you visit our site.
As you’re logged in and navigate through our site, you will earn even more. You get to earn credits from reading our sex talk topics as well as leaving valuable comments and reviews. We are open to debate on this site and welcome all different perspectives. It is important to note that hate speech or spam comments won’t be tolerated. These kinds of comments will actually reduce your credit balance.
If you choose to purchase any of our online courses, you will also be rewarded with credits. You also get credits for completing the courses you purchase.
The cool thing is that you are even rewarded with credits when you make purchases in our online shop. These credits can be used toward future purchases.
The purpose of our credits is to reward our regular readers for their loyalty and enthusiasm. We believe in trying to create a sense of community and enjoyment in sex education. The credits are our gift to you. So sadly, credits on our site have no cash value beyond toward purchases in our shop.
If you’re looking for other ways to score some free and awesome stuff, you can consider joining our mailing list. You will be given the chance to tell us a bit more about you and what you’re interests are. Once you have let us know what interests you most, you’ll have the chance to opt into our Birthday Club membership.
The Birthday Club is our email list reward. When you’re signed up, you let us know when you’re birthday is and confirm your current address every year and we will send you a special birthday gift every year at no charge to you. Each year you get something a little different and each year gets a little better. It is our Thank You for being on our mailing list for another year.
If you think any of our free reward programs are cool, please share it with your friends. The more people benefiting from this, the better!
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